$1,200.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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MYO Circle - Payment Plan

Enhance Your Confidence, Efficiency, and Treatment Planning with Myo Circle's Advanced Internship Program!


Unlock the Power of Myofunctional Therapy with Myo Circle

Here's what's included with your purchase:

- Confidence in treatment planning and execution
- Join a supportive community of like-minded therapists
- Case study support to enhance your skills
- Achieve faster and more effective results with your patients
- Expand your repertoire of myofunctional therapy exercises
- Improve your skills, confidence, and time efficiency
- Gain a deeper knowledge of muscle physiology
- Unlock brazilian secrets
- Master the fundamentals of critical thinking in myofunctional therapy

Experience the comprehensive benefits of Myo Circle and take your myofunctional therapy practice to new levels of excellence.