14. Ep. 3 of Airway Answers: Expanding Your Breath of Knowledge with Dr. Bill Hang

Season #1

🎉Dr Bill Hang graduated from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry and the University of Minnesota Orthodontic program where he briefly taught orthodontics. After about 7 years of having a traditional orthodontic practice, he became dissatisfied with the faces he was producing and set out to learn and develop techniques that would produce the best facial balance. Bill then became aware of the significant positive affects some of his treatments had on the airway. This opened up a whole new aspect of orthodontics - maximizing the airway for ALL orthodontic patients and specifically treating patients with sleep disordered breathing or obstructive sleep apnea.

A huge proponent of Myofunctional therapy, Dr Hang believes strongly in the importance of proper rest oral posture to optimize facial and airway development. Dr Hang has lectured locally, nationally and internationally and received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the AAPMD for his work on optimizing the airway in patients of all ages. Passionate about teaching others about the benefits of OrthO2Health (pronounced ortho -2-health) where the airway is always the first consideration, Bill has launched two mentorships: The Hang E.C.H.O. (Early Childhood Health-Centered Orthodontic™) Mentorship and the Hang E.R.R.S. (Extraction Retraction Regret Syndrome™) Orthodontic Mentorship.