20. Ep. 4 - The Beauty of Breathing - Aqualizer with Bill Esser, PT

Season #1

WELCOME TO THE BEAUTY OF BREATHING PODCAST EPISODE NAME: The Aqualizer Research Project. Learn how this little dental device can reduce facial and lower back symptoms.

GUEST SPEAKER: Bill Esser, PT Show Notes: Dr. Jenny Hobson and Bill Esser, PT are co-authors of this research project editorial that was published in CRANIO® The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice Volume 40, 2022 - Issue 2 This guest editorial and physical therapy (PT) pilot study presents observations of a mechanical dysfunction – asymmetrical iliac crest heights – which significantly resolved through application of an Aqualizer® splint. Resolution of pelvic dysfunction by balancing bite forces has far-reaching implications for managing care and costs associated with back pain.

Link to the Editorial published on Cranio: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08869634.2022.2031169

In this episode, Dr. Martha Cortes and Dr. Jenny Hobson will be interviewing Bill Esser, PT on how this Aqualizer project was designed and how it’s ground breaking results will lead to even more important research for the PT and Dental fields to collaborate on. Learn from the two TMJ head and neck physical therapy experts how this device can help you balance out your pelvis asymmetry causing leg length descrepancy and reduce any occlusal (bite) interferences when it is in use.

Dr. Hobson and Bill Esser, PT are designing more research around the connection of the occlusion/bite and how it effects the rest of the body. Bill Esser, PT is CranioFacial physical therapist in southern Oregon, one of less than 100 in the USA with the distinction Certified Cervical Temporomandibular Therapist (CCTT). He has 40 years of experience and success in treatment TMJ disorders, complex cranio and cervical spine dysfunction. He is an instructor for PTs and Dentists on the evaluation and treatment of TMJ and a speaker in many dental conferences including OBI Foundations of Bioesthetics National Conference and more. You already know but a quick refresher about Dr. Jenny: Dr. Jenny Hobson is a head and neck, TMJ physical therapist, protege of renowned expert, Dr. Mariano Rocabado. She is known for her treatment of TMJ, sleep disordered breathing, chronic headaches, concussion, neck pain, tinnitus, and postural dysfunctions. Dr. Hobson is trained in myofunctional therapy and is certified in the Buteyko Breathing Method and has been helping people improve their breathing and airway health for over 20 years.